Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jdilla changed my life

Jdilla changed my life… Funny thing is that I began to listen to electronic music right at the time he passed. It seems a lot of things come to me late. I have money but still choose to pay my bills late. Why? I just like seeing some money in my account sometime. Adulthood is here to stay even if I want it or not. I have little cute ass fuckers depending on me to feed and clothe them, and although I am a parent I can’t restrain my sexuality. I constantly want to fuck any girl worthwhile; the sad thing is I am not sure if that feeling will ever change. It is a genetic curse I tell ya, a curse.
Think your man is different haha he has the same thoughts I have, he just probably lacks the balls to act on his desires. I divorced my perfectly capable wife because I wanted to be free to fuck whomever I wanted.  I seriously look forward to the day I am content. You know those guys, they are decent looking, successful and if they showed some confidence they can lay some track, but here they are singing the god damn wiggles with their little ones and are genuinely happy. Their wife may have gained 60 pounds from the kids but he loves her. Me on the other hand, I don’t think that will ever happen. With every lay I am ever more confident and the cycle repeats. There is always something new I can get my hands on. There it in all its simplicity I just crave something new FUCK……. …………………………………………………………………..