Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mom bubble baths are soooo 2006

The era of bubble baths has come to an end, a company out of the UK is selling a powder product that absorbs 400 times its own weight turning plain old boring bath water into a mass of gooey goodness. When the kids (or adults ???) are done just add the dissolver packet and the goo is no more.

Oh Brandy

It seems that things can't any better for pop singer Brandy ( Brandy Norwood). While driving along the 405 in her pimped out 2007 Land Rover on december 30, 2006 she failed to notice traffic had slowed ahead. The results were a four car accident, and the death of wife/ mother Awatef Aboudihaj, 38. The family of Aboudihaj have filled a civil suit for $50 million,

"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Singer-actress Brandy was sued for $50 million (25.5 million pounds) on Tuesday by the family of a woman killed in a four-car freeway crash which police have blamed on the 27-year-old performer."

It's a sad outcome and i hope Brandy's next car is a BMW Mini. Oh did i ever tell you the time Barry Watson ( 7th Heaven) cut me off and almost hit me on the 101, and the time David Carradine (Kill Bill) was in front of me taking both lanes and going 2 miles per hour? I guess it not just Brandy that doesn't know how to drive, But I'll save those stories for next time.


A bright Ideal!

It's sad when California has to lead the way to try to reduce energy waist. While our federal government continues to deny that global warming even exist, even going so far as to pressure scientist to alter scientific findings . Well a bill has just been inroduced that would ban incandescent light bulbs by 2012, Replacing them with the florescent variety.

"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A California lawmaker wants to make his state the first to ban incandescent lightbulbs as part of California's groundbreaking initiatives to reduce energy use and greenhouse gases blamed for global warming."

I am all for it, but i am just as guilty as anyone. Last year i replaced almost all the light bulbs in my house with florescent bulbs, only to change them back a month later. I just found the glare to much and they didn't seem to work well with dimmers. I guess i will save them for 2012.... Link

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Harry Potter is a Bad boy

It seems that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) Has shed his glasses, among other things in Peter Shaffer's play Equus. I understand he needs to shed his childhood image so more power to him, but some of the responses have been mildly entertaining.

"We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our nine-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes."

If the best role model your 9 year old has is Harry Potter, Then you need to call nanny 911 and work on your parenting skills. He took off his clothes that's it, when have we as a society become so ashamed of the human body.


Vista Launch

I have become more and more interested in DRM restrictions, And since today the newest offering from Microsoft goes on sale. Anyone who is looking to upgrade to Vista should think twice, check out DefectiveByDesign

Vista was designed to be restrictive and just the amount of extra power being used by the PC just make sure my copy of Weird Al is legit is outrageous. I am a big fan of open source software, and believe open source is key to keeping information available to all.

Apple of my Eye

Well lets start this off in third gear. I have no real problems with Apple, they do design nice looking computers and consumer products, and there OS is all eye candy. What I am tired of is rabid apple fans that defend them and claim they can do no wrong. Which is why i find the news coming out of Mac News Network ironic, When apple starts suing there own fans something has got to be wrong.

"The Mac News Network is reporting that Apple has declined to to appeal its loss in last year's Apple v. Does decision. MacNN, which is affiliated with Apple Insider, one of the sites targeted by Apple, says that Apple has paid nearly $700,000 to cover the sites' legal fees."
