Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A bright Ideal!

It's sad when California has to lead the way to try to reduce energy waist. While our federal government continues to deny that global warming even exist, even going so far as to pressure scientist to alter scientific findings . Well a bill has just been inroduced that would ban incandescent light bulbs by 2012, Replacing them with the florescent variety.

"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A California lawmaker wants to make his state the first to ban incandescent lightbulbs as part of California's groundbreaking initiatives to reduce energy use and greenhouse gases blamed for global warming."

I am all for it, but i am just as guilty as anyone. Last year i replaced almost all the light bulbs in my house with florescent bulbs, only to change them back a month later. I just found the glare to much and they didn't seem to work well with dimmers. I guess i will save them for 2012.... Link

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