Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Same old from the NAVY

I am often surprised by Humans lack of compassion for the planet and it's inhabitants. We tend to live for or own needs with little respect for future generations. So when the California Coastal Commission found that current NAVY sonar use endangered marine animals especially wales and dolphins, they voted to limit the use, and lower the decimal levels. Of course the Navy wasn't happy, and there response was

"The sonar training, which is just one part of the overall exercise, uses the same basic sonar training the Navy has used without incident for the last 30 years in the ocean off Southern California, where the number of marine mammals has been increasing," the Navy's statement declared.

Despite the mountain of evidence to prove otherwise, They Basically said F U to the Coastal commission and all residents of California, I understand the need to protect our coast but at what cost. Link

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