Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Sex vs Clothes and the winner is?

We all know that women prefer many things more then Sex, Like

Sour apple rings or peach,
The Tyra Banks show
cold sores
mushy bananas

Well according to a reuters poll, "Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of new apparel", yep you heard right 15 months! just for clothes, but it gets worse. "with 2 percent ready to abstain from sex for three years in exchange for new duds" Three Years without sex for some gap jeans! WTF

furthermore "Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month."
Men obviously your doing something wrong, Do some research, experiment on your women, because we need to turn this around. If women are happy sexually, it's a double plus for us, one we get more sex and two the women spend less on clothes. Link

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